Trail Updates
Cheat Canyon High Water Route
The Hiking Guide does not contain turn-by-turn directions for the high water route. Here they are:
High Water Route around Cheat Canyon turn by turn N-S directions: Just past the church at N-S MP 13.2 there is an intersection, the low-water route turns R on PCR 14/4 (Bull Run Rd.), the high water route continues straight on PCR 14/5 (Harmony Ridge Rd.) and follows approximately 2.8 miles. Then turn R on PCR 23/26 (Beech Run Rd.), and follow approximately 0.5 miles. Turn L to continue on PCR 23/26 (Beech Run Rd.) about 5.2 miles. The low water route will rejoin from your right at a DNR trailhead at N-S MP 25.8. Continue down Beech Run Rd. to N-S MP 25.9 where you will find Teter’s Campground on your left and Friends of Cheat (FOC) Primitive Campground on the right.
High Water Route around Cheat Canyon turn by turn S-N directions: at S-N MP 69.4 you will find Friends of Cheat (FOC) Primitive Campground on your left and Teter’s Campground on your right. To follow the High Water Route continue up the hill and past the DNR trailhead at S-N MP 69.5, and continue on PCR 23/26 (Beech Run Rd.) instead for about 5.2 miles. Turn R to continue on PCR 23/26 (Beech Run Rd.) for about 0.5 miles. Turn L on PCR 14/5 (Harmony Ridge Rd.) at the intersection, follow approximately 2.8 miles where the low water route will rejoin you from the left (Bull Run Rd.) and you will continue on PCR 14 (Mt. Nebo Rd.) to S-N MP 82.1 where the Mount Nebo Baptist Church is on your left.
Peddlers Glory High Water Route:
SOBO: At mile 33.4 continue straight on Freeland road instead of making the right onto Stone Forest road. Continue following Freeland Road for 2.6 miles. Freeland Road has few residences along the way but is mostly open farmland. Make a right onto Whitedale Church Road and in .1 make another right onto Route 7. (One can do a resupply in the town of Terra Alta if you make a left and follow for .3 miles) Follow Rt 7 for .3 to where the high water route meets the Trail at Peddler's Glory Rd (mile 36.5). Continue on Route 7 to stay south on the ALT.
NOBO: At mile 274.8, instead of making a left onto Peddler's Glory road continue on Route 7 for .3 miles. Make a left onto Whitedale Church Road and follow for .1 mile.(One can do a resupply in the town of Terra Alta if you continue straight on Rt 7 for .3 miles) At the end of the road make a left onto Freeland Road. Follow for 2.6 miles to where the high water route meets back up with the ALT at mile 277.9. Freeland road has a few residences but it mostly open farmland. Continue following Freeland Rd to stay north on the ALT.
Section 2 Updates, not in the current version of the Allegheny Trail Guidebook.
At mile point 114.7 the new Washout Shelter has been built Fall of 2024.
At mile point 114.8 the issue of the Washout has now been corrected with a new reroute eliminating having to wade in the river from high water. The High Water Route of Lower Glady is still blazed and an option for when flooding is above the Low Water Bridge at mile point 114.4 in Gladwin.
From mile point 116.2 towards mile point 117.0 - Two Spring Run, lots of trail tread improvements have been made.
From mile point 131.6 - US 33 toward mile point 139.2 - Daniel’s Creek, lots of improvements have been made to the trail tread in these areas.
At mile point 139.2 Daniels Creek has a new bridge eliminating the wet crossing which was difficult during heavy rains.
At mile point 139.5 is the new Glady Fork Shelter. From the Glady Fork Shelter to mile point 140.2 - Glady Rd. Trailhead, four small walk bridges have been installed and tread improvements have been made.
N-S MP 0.0 There is a restaurant in the town of Cass.
N-S MP 4.6 There was a good pipe spring on the hillside here in Sept 2020. You will encounter equestrians in this area, they always have the right of way.
N-S MP 9.49 Seneca State Forest Hiker shelter does not provide much shelter due to open sides and does host mice. This shelter is adjacent to an open road. There is some evening traffic on this road, locals, and bear hunters training their dogs. Seneca Springs Shelter at N-S MP 11.49 is favorable to this shelter because it is not near a road, offers more shelter, and has water nearby.
N-S MP 11.32: Seneca Spring Shelter is on your right. This shelter was constructed by WVSTA volunteers in 2003-04 on the flagstone floor of an old CCC picnic shelter that finally collapsed. The old fireplace and chimney were incorporated into the new structure with warm results. The shelter has a bunkbed style wooden platform for hikers to sleep on. To the left (east side of the ridgetop) is a blue-blazed trail leading to a spring 150 yards over the hill.
N-S MP 15.29 A gravel parking area with room for 4-6 cars has been added at the intersection with Thorny Creek Mountain Rd.
N-S MP 19.19 There is a wildlife pond on the right about 100 yards from the trail, prior to the turn onto the less-traveled woods road. Wildlife pond water can be murky but works in a pinch. Just pre-filter through a bandana (must have two dirty receptacles for this method) to take out the larger particulate before treating.
Section 4 North N-S MP 07.50 The Boy Scouts of America and the Graham family cooperated with WVSTA to erect a shelter on Smith Knob (The shelter was the product of an Eagle Scout project by Matt Bordas in 1995). Another Eagle Scout project (Jared Pomeroy in 1997) produced quite an elegant outhouse, complete with stall-type doors.
Section 4 North From Slash Lick Road (MP 11.91) south to the Eastern Divide Sign (MP 13) you may see no trespassing signs posted. Continue following the blazes through those areas.
The Section 4 road walk between Slash Lick Road (SOBO Mile 262.8) and Hanging Rock Observatory (SOBO 298.7) is currently not blazed. Please pay attention to your guidebook or Far-Out app when hiking the section 4 road walk.
Section 4 Roadwalk N-S MP 6.1 There is a nice Food Lion here, but there is no motel in WSS any longer. At the Food Lion, there is a commuter bus that will take you to Lewisburg for $1.75, where there is a Walmart. If you are hiking S-N and seem to have forgotten anything, now is the time to grab it.
Section 4 Road walk N-S MP 21.4 Moncove Lake State Park campground is a short walk from the trail and is closed in winter.